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Qualifications List


The 2 one-day marine diesel maintenance courses go together hand in hand. Think of RYA Diesel Engine Course as Level 1! This Level 2 day follows directly on. Fault finding, repair and emergencies all covered.

Foundation certificate in Yacht Rigging and Rope Splicing

“Splicing & Ropework” is a Chieftain Training home-grown courses that instructors have written and developed over the last 2 decades. You will learn multiple whipping & splicing techniques of various different types of rope plus how to rivet and how to service your winches.

Food Safety Level 2

Level 2 Food Hygiene is designed for anyone who works with, or handles food and covers an introduction to food safety and hygiene, the impact of food-borne illnesses, food law, food preservation, storage and temperature control, personal hygiene, and the principles of HACCP

RYA Yachtmaster Instructor

A Yachtmaster Instructor may teach up to Yachtmaster Ocean (assuming he/she has an Ocean endorsement). This includes the Yachtmaster Coastal and Coastal Skipper courses and they may also deliver tuition and coaching to candidates planning to take the Yachtmaster Offshore examination

World Sailing Personal Survival (ISAF)

In 2003, World Sailing introduced a standard basic syllabus for the training courses in order to establish an International recognised qualification. The training requirements form part of the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations.

RYA Radar Course

A one day course increasingly popular on both sailing and motor boats. Radar is an invaluable aid for navigation and collision avoidance but it is only useful in the hands of a knowledgable operator.

RYA Powerboat Level 2

RYA Level 2 Powerboat is a complete two-day course that provides all the skills and background knowledge required to take charge of a powerboat in moderate conditions and primarily in daylight.

Yachtmaster Ocean Theory

This comprehensive program covers vital topics such as celestial navigation, ocean passage planning, weather forecasting and meteorology. By mastering these essential skills, you'll gain the theoretical knowledge ready to navigate vast and unpredictable waters with confidence. Join our course and embark on a journey towards becoming a competent and capable Yachtmaster Ocean.

RYA Cruising Instructor

The Cruising Instructor Course is the entry level for any Yachtmaster Offshore who wants to begin teaching. The Cruising Instructor qualification enables you to teach Competent Crew and Day Skipper practical courses when working for a RYA Training Centre.

Yachtmaster - Offshore

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour.

International Certificate of Competency (ICC)

An International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC) is required by most countries in Europe and elsewhere. The certificate, valid for 5 years, is free to qualifying members.

Yachtmaster - Coastal

The exam includes an assessment of skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS (collision regulations), meteorology and signals.

Coastal Skipper

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course teaches advanced skippering techniques to undertake coastal passages by day or night. Our RYA Coastal Skipper course leaves from the the Solent, sailing from Southampton.

Yachtmaster - Theory

This is an advanced course in navigation and meteorology for more experienced skippers and particularly to prepare candidates for Yachtmaster examinations. It includes revision of some aspects of the day skipper shore-based course syllabus but is wider in scope and treats the subject matter in much more depth. It provides all the theoretical knowledge needed to skipper and navigate a yacht safely in tidal waters, inshore or offshore, by day or night.

RYA Diesel Engine

This course gives people the knowledge to carry out routine daily maintenance checks on a marine diesel engine and diagnose and rectify common minor malfunctions. Learning how a diesel engine works and how all the sub-systems fuel, oil and cooling all work

RYA Sea Survival

This one day course prepares you to stay alive in an emergency. It will show you how to make the best use of a liferaft and you will learn some basic survival techniqes.

First Aid at Sea

Our one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages.

In a medical emergency a little first aid knowledge and immediate action can save lives, especially in remote locations. This one-day course is designed to provide a working knowledge of first aid for people using small craft and to support skippers of yachts and motor vessels.

Day Skipper - Practical

RYA Day Skipper courses can be taken in either sail or motor yachts and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. This is very much a hands-on course with little time to teach navigation or other theoretical subjects.

Day Skipper - Theory

The Day Skipper course equips you with sufficient knowledge to navigate safely around familiar waters by day plus a knowledge of lights to introduce you to night cruising.

Developments in technology and electronic navigation aids now available on most cruising boats is also included.

VHF Marine Radio

The RYA VHF Radio Course provides training and examination for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Short Range Certificate (SRC). It is commonly just called the Marine VHF Licence. You can choose to attend a one-day classroom course and assessment or an on-line course with a separate assessment.

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